Minggu, 29 Januari 2012

=''Bulan Yang Berdebu''=

Kuhentikan gerakan tanganku mengatupkan selimut ke tubuh lelahku

Kupandang sekilas senyum indah yang mengintipku dari balik jendela kamarku

Kubalas senyumnya dengan tak kalah indahnya, menurutku

Dia memanggilku untuk datang menemani kesendiriannya

Hatiku bersorak, bahagia.....................

Aku yang selalu sendiri

Aku yang selalu merasa sepi

Kini ada yang memanggilku

Ada yang membutuhkanku

Sebentar lagi aku tak sendiri

Sebentar lagi aku ada yang menemani

Dibawah jendela kamarku kami bertemu

Ah....kau begitu indah, kau begitu baik

Padanya kukisahkan segala kesah

Kututurkan semua gundah

Ah....andai sejak dulu aku mengenalmu

Andai sejak dulu kutahu ada kamu yang mau mendengarkan sedu & sedanku

Kuyakin tak'kan pernah kuismpan seluruh gelisahku

Oh...!!! Bulan sabit yang indah, ma'afkan aku t'lah berbagi murungku denganmu

Katamu..''Ambillah cahayaku, biarkan aku merasai jubah debu milikmu,

Matamu begitu sayu, sekujur tubuhmu hampir beku, masuklah kembali ke kamarmu

Percikkanlah tetes-tetes embun fajar ke wajahmu

Lafazkan syair-syair cinta penenang hati & jiwamu

Lalu, katupkan kembali selimut hangat itu ketubuh indahmu dan senyumlah

Pejamkan matamu, jangan lagi menoleh kepadaku

Karena aku t'lah tertutup jubah debu milikmu

Kau takkan lagi melihatku, akupun akan segera bersembunyi

Rajaku sedang mengintipku dari singgasananya diujung timur sana

Aku akan datang lagi jika Sang Maha Raja memperkenanku

Sabtu, 26 November 2011

Tragedi runtuhnya jembatan "Golden Gate-nya" kalimantan.

Peristiwa ini sungguh mengagetkan. Jembatan Sungai Mahakam yang sangat terkenal sebagai 'Golden Gate' Kalimantan dengan panjang 1 km itu runtuh, hampir tak bersisa.

Peristiwa itu terjadi Sabtu (26/11/2011) sekitar pukul 16.20 WITA. Tidak ada yang menyangka, lalu lintas saat itu sedang sangat ramai.

Tak cuma itu, puluhan warga juga sedang menikmati sore yang indah di pinggir jembatan yang bernama Jembatan Kutai Kartanegara itu. Tiba-tiba saja, bruk, jembatan ambrol. Mobil-mobil dan kendaraan yang sedang melintas pun berjatuhan ke sungai.

Tak lama, tim SAR tiba di lokasi untuk melakukan penyelamatan. Sejumalah orang telah ditemukan dan langsung dilarikan ke rumah sakit. Namun belum diketahui bagaimana kondisinya.

Jembatan itu sebenarnya relatif baru saja dibangun. Jembatan penghubung Samarinda dengan Tenggarong itu baru selesai dibangun pada tahun 2002. Jembatan itu belum bisa dibilang terlalu tua.
Jembatan sungai Mahakam (Mahkota 2) runtuh saat lalu lintas kendaraan sedang padat. Kemungkinan, ada banyak korban yang terjatuh ke sungai terbesar dan terpanjang se-Indonesia itu.

Namun berapa jumlah korban, belum bisa diketahui pasti. Namun saat ini tim SAR telah berada di lokasi untuk mencari korban.
Sejumlah korban telah diangkat dari Sungai Mahakam. Namun belum diketahui pasti bagaimana kondisi para korban.

Para korban kemudian dilarikan ke sejumlah rumah sakit terdekat. "Mereka dilarikan ke rumah sakit tadi, tim SAR juga masih terus mencari.

Korban diperkirakan masih banyak karena pada sore hari biasanya warga melewatkan waktu di badan jembatan yang dikenal sebagai Golden Gate-nya Kalimantan.

Jembatan itu runtuh sekitar pukul 16.20 Wita. Belum diketahui penyebab runtuhnya jembatan tersebut.

foto-foto jembatan "Golden Gate" mahakam di waktu masih berdiri kokoh :

Minggu, 25 September 2011

see this :)

ngilangin penat dikantor.... jam istirahat meluncur ke tepian sungai mahakam nonton aksi pejet ski samarinda..... :)))) 

dan ini video klip yg paling favorit.... :) bruno mars-lazy song :)

 hehehehe..... foto jadul alias foto jaman dulu yg satu-satunya masih tersisa....
kenangan bersama kaka perempuanku..... ;) i do miss you my big sister.... ;*

Senin, 04 Juli 2011

Inspirational Friendship Story

True friends never leave each other, even if one of them is walking on the wrong path of life. A true friend will try to correct the other in a way that it does not hurt the ego of the other friend. Friends don't mind when mistakes are pointed out; rather they try to accept it and change themselves for the better. True friends are those, who inspire others to become a better person in life. A number of inspirational stories are written, based on the theme of true friendship. They tend to inspire the reader. In this article, we have given a motivational story, based on friends.

Motivational Story Of Friendship

Two girls were best of friends, since their childhood. When they were small kids, they used to go to school together, play together and sometimes even stay at each other's places. They were next door neighbors and thus their parents were friends as well. The best friends graduated from school and went to pursue higher studies in the same college. Everyone knew that the girls were the best of friends. Nothing was hidden between the duo, because both knew each other inside out.

After some days, one of the friends found the other behaving in a very strange manner. She would remain withdrawn, sleep too much and turn violent, very often. At first, the other friend thought it was just the studies getting on to her. However, with time, she became even more moody and frustrated. Finally, her friend couldn't take it any longer and confronted her with the problem. She broke down into tears and confessed that she was going around with a guy, who was taking drugs and forced her to take them too.

The girl was not only forced to take drugs, but was also forced to bring money every now and then and was threatened with dire consequences, if she revealed the matter to anyone, even her best friend. Shocked by her story, the other friend consoled her. She then thought of a way to help her. Finally, she thought that she would come up straight to the point and tell her to leave this guy and get out of all the mess. She contacted the college counselor, who was a psychologist and narrated all the problem to her. She offered to help and said that matter would be kept under wraps.

The girl was then advised by her friend to leave this guy, as he was torturing her unnecessarily. Her friend reminded her of her dreams of becoming a successful professional, inspired her to set an example for others and reminded of what her parents would feel, if they found out what their daughter was up to. After a lot of persuasion, the girl finally agreed to leave him. She was given basic counseling and was weaned off drugs, with time. All this while, her friend never left her side and always stood by her.

Finally, they graduated and the friendship only grew stronger. They both went on to become successful professionals, but never let each other down by indulging themselves into bad habits. They lived happily ever after, as close friends. The story leaves the reader to think about the depth of friendship shared by the two girls. The moral of the story is that true friends are those, who inspire you to become the best you can ever be. They have full confidence in you. They would not leave you until your goal is accomplished.

Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

30 days in love...

I guess we are the left-overs in this world.

I think so...all of my friends have boyfriends, and we are the only the 2 people left in this world without any special person in our lives.

Yup, I don't know what to do.

I know! We'll play a game.

What game?

I'll be your girlfriend for 30 days
and you will be my boyfriend.

That's a great plan, in fact, I don't have anything to do
much for the following few weeks.

DAY 1:
They watch their first movie
and they both are touched by the romantic film.

DAY 4:
They went go to the beach and have a picnic. Derick and Lily have their quality time together.

DAY 12:
Derick invited Lily to a circus and they ride through a Horror House.
Lily was scared and she thought she touched Derick's hand but she actually touched someone else's hand they both laughed.

DAY 15:
They saw a fortune teller down the road, and they asked for their future advice.
The fortune teller said:
"My darlings, please don't waste the time of your life, spend the rest of your time together, happily." Then tears flowed out from the teller's eyes.

DAY 20:
Lily invited Derick to go to the hill
and they saw a meteor; Lily mumbled something.

DAY 28:
They sat on the bus, and because of a bumpy road Lily gave her first kiss to Derick by accident.

DAY 29:
11:37 pm:
Lily and Derick sat in the park where they first decided to play this game.

I'm tired Lily...Do you want anything to drink? I'll buy you one...I'll just go down the road.

An Apple Juice, that's all. Thank you.

Wait for me.

20 minutes later
A stranger approached Lily

Are you a friend of Derick?

Yes, why? What happened?

A reckless drunk driver ran over Derick, and he is in critical condition in the hospital.

11:57 pm:
The doctor walked out of the emergency room; he handed Lily an apple juice and a letter.

We found this in Derick's pocket.

Lily reads the letter and it says:
Lily, These past few weeks, I realized you are a really cute girl, and I am really falling for you-your cherished smile, your everything when we played this game. Before this game ends, I would like you to be my girlfriend for the rest of my life.
I love you, Lily.

Lily crumpled up the paper and shouted:

"Derick! I don't want you to die-
I love you; remember that night when we saw a meteor and I mumbled something. I mumbled that I wish we would be together forever and that we would never have to end this game. Please don't leave me Derick .. I love you! You can't do this to me!"

Then the clock strikes 12...

Derick's heart stopped pumping...

It was the 30th day.